Seawater Reverse Osmosis Systems

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Designed to convert seawater to drinking water, these seawater desalination systems use high quality membranes and their proven technology to give dependable performance and to comply with the WHO Standard for Safe Drinking Water of less than 500 ppm of Total Dissolved Solids.

They offer a full range of both standard and custom engineered Seawater Reverse Osmosis Systems for applications ranging from yachts, cruise ships to municipalities, resorts, military, and various industrial applications

Application RO and SWRO:

  1. Saltwater treatment (brackish water) or seawater into fresh water named desalination, which can produce clean water and even drinking water, where water is free from bacteria.
  2. Drinking Water Purification: Reverse Osmosis (RO) has been widely used around the world for filtration of dirty water into clean water (drinking water) for daily necessities (household).
  3. Purification of Water and Wastewater: In Los Angeles and other cities in the country advances also used Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology in purification rainwater collected from stormy flows to landscape irrigation and refrigeration industry as a solution to water shortage issues.
  4. Food Industry: Reverse Osmosis (RO) has also been used in industry foods such as research on the concentration of orange juice and tomato juice, as well as in the dairy industry for the production of powder and for whey protein milk concentration. Using RO turns out to be a member advantages in terms of low operating costs.
  5. Car Wash: Reverse Osmosis (RO) water has also been used deep too wash the car in the final rinse to prevent water spots on vehicles, because with water treatment using technology. This RO can produce pure water which contains low minerals.
  6. Syrup Industry: In Canada, North America Reverse Osmosis (RO) too used in the Maple Syrup Industry, namely in processing sap into syrup (liquid sugar), where the sap is separated from the pure water. And even the results of this RO process are high quality products.

For more information about Seawater Reverse Osmosis Systems, please visit

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