Citect Scada Systems For Water Industries
Hydro-Trent Group is a Malaysian-owned company specialised in the Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning and Maintenance of Instrumentation and Control Systems, SCADA & Telemetry systems for water and wastewater industries which include pumping schemes, irrigation schemes and sewerage treatment plants. They also carry out M&E works for water distribution and infrastructure projects throughout the regions.
Their services by scope of business In Hydro-Trent Group of companies, their philosophy of constantly seeking better ways to serve their customers and users by helping them to meet their greater productivity, quality and flexibility goals and providing controls systems and custom-tailored solutions that meet all their process and market requirement.
Process Control and Instrumentation
Their products are classified as below as indicated:
- Flow & Pressure Measuring Device
- Level Transmitters Indicators & Controllers
- Level Electrodes Holders & Floatless Relay
- LED Indicators Battery Charger Vibration monitor & Converters
- Lightning Surge Arrester and Protection units
- GSM/SMS Telemetry RTU & Accessories
- T-pot Strainer.
For more information about SCADA System, please visit